4-3.Crafting Equipment and Transmutation

In the Crafting feature, you can create Equipments for Employees using materials obtained in dungeons.

1.Kinds of Equipment

There are 3 kinds of Equipments ;


It is used when the Employee attacks monsters.

Many Weapons increase ATK and DEX, making it possible to deal high damage to the monster.


It is Equipment to protect against monster attacks.

Many Clothing increase Max HP and DEF, making it possible to decrease attacks from monsters and allowing the Employee to battle long time.


It is Equipment worn to enhance the personality of the Employee.

Many Accessory increase SPD, DEX, and COMMU, making it possible to play an important role along with the Ability.

2.How to Craft and Success Level

The Crafting starts by choosing the type of equipment you want to create and setting the 4 types of materials. Materials have various characteristics such as their material, firmness, and length. The equipment to be completed is drawn according to the characteristics of the combined materials. Also, the rarer and more materials used, the more time is required to finish the Crafting.

There are 4 Success Levels for equipment created by Crafting. The higher the Success Level of the equipment, the more times it can betransmuted. The success level varies depending on the number of materials used and the DEX and the Ability of the crafting Employee.

3.Transmutation of Equipment

The NFT Equipment can be transmuted sometimes depending on the Success Level. The Transmutation adds new abilities to the abilities of the equipment. A total of 3 Transmutation can be carried out on the equipment with the highest Success Level.

To conduct Transmutation, special materials are required.

For example, the Transmutation special materials have the following kinds.

Stats Up Transmutation material

It has the effect of increasing the Stats (ATK, DEF, etc.) of the equipped Employee.

Battle Effect Transmutation material

It has the effect of increasing the values (Deal Damage, Evasion probability) regarding the battle.

Skill Power Up Transmutation material

It has the effect of Skill Power Up (Up activation rate, intensify the Skill effect, etc.).

Also, there exists a Transmutation effect where the material itself has skills, and equipping it can increase the skills of Employees.

Adding Ability Transmutation material

It has the effect of adding the Ability (Counter Attack, Increase Drop Number, etc. ) to Employee.

Lucky Transmutation material

It has the effect of increasing drop chance and drop number of ingredients and materials.

The material has multiple effects, and one of them will be drawn and added to the equipment when it is crafted.

Of course you can use the powerful Equipment in the game. However, there is a strategy to choose between selling the highly successful equipment without the Transmutation in the Marketplace or transmuting it to increase its effect, believing that the rare effect will increase its value. Find out your way to earning and playing style.

4.Making Equipment NFT

The crafted Equipments can be transformed into an NFT by using the special item. The special items required for NFT conversion differ according to the rarity of the equipment, and the higher the rarity of the equipment, the higher the value and price of the item. We recommend that you first try to craft equipment with a high Success Level and aim to obtain NFT transformation items after obtaining the Transmutation materials of your wish.

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